A blog about the effects of Narcissistic Abuse and a the journey of trauma recovery. 

When Love is a Lie:
Narcissistic Trauma Recovery

Hey, I'm Shelley 

I am a country girl and home educator who is passionate about women's rights and education. In my work I help women to heal stuck trauma and reclaim their identity after Narcissistic Abuse so they can find self belief and the freedom within themselves to create a life they love. At home I am lucky enough to be both a step-mum and also mum to two awesome neurodivergent boys.

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psych Education

narcissistic abuse


self care

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Hey, I'm Shelley 

I am a country girl and home educator who is passionate about women's rights and education. In my work I help women to heal stuck trauma and reclaim their identity after Narcissistic Abuse so they can find self belief and the freedom within themselves to create a life they love. At home I am lucky enough to be both a step-mum and also mum to two awesome neurodivergent boys.

about Me


psych Education

narcissistic abuse


self care

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