I believe every woman has the right to speak up and life a live free from abuse.

My story

having experienced narcissistic abuse I am proof that it is possible to not only heal but thrive after trauma.

I experienced Narcissistic Abuse as a child and this led to my being in  unhealthy and abusive relationships as an adult. It wasn't until I spoke with an IDVA in my 30's that I realised what I had experienced and considered as 'normal' behaviour was actually toxic and abusive. It was a real shock to my system but at the same time it explained a lot of things that had happened to me and why I felt so bad about myself. I was full of guilt, shame and figured that I was a smart woman- I should have known right?! The thing I came to learn is that Narcissistic Abuse is insidious, it robs you of your self worth, your belief in your abilities and it also stops you talking to people who can help; of course I'd been primed to accept all of this as a child so to my system, it didn't set off alarm bells- it felt familiar. I tried talking therapies but it wasn't until I started healing on a somatic level that I really felt that I was good enough, I wasn't to blame and these things happened to me not because of me.

I've seen for myself the life-changing effect somatic work has, so when I had the chance to expand my therapy business and learn from the best, on the first certified course in the world that specialises in Narcissistic Abuse, I jumped at it. I haven't stopped learning about trauma since and have found my purpose in helping other women to not spend as long in the darkness as I did.

In my practice I see the struggles women have to be believed and for their concerns to be taken seriously by professionals (who are often not trained in this kind of abuse). Especially those women I've worked with whose abusers are Police Officers and are meant to be upholding these laws themselves. Originally having a background in Forensics and working  as a civilian for the police throughout my twenties I understand the particular challenges that these women face. It is my mission to give a voice to these women and to bring about meaningful change in these systems.  

I have developed a coaching program that incorporates the best of everything I have learned that focuses on trauma resolution not symptom management. By getting to the root of the issue you can feel a sense of freedom in who you are and what you can achieve, you will feel empowered to move forward in your life and meet any new challenges with hope and resilience

The Freedom Within Program

tell me more

My proven Signature Method that will help you to reclaim your identity and heal stuck trauma, allowing you to create a life you love and a future filled with hope and freedom... even if you are unable to go fully No Contact with the Narcissist in your life!


1:1 Coaching

CPD Accredited Somatic Trauma Informed Coach
Certified Narcissistic Trauma Informed Coach 
Certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist
Brainspotting Practitioner Level 3 
IFS Practitioner Level 1
ILS Safe and Sound Practitioner
ILS Focus System Practitioner
Certified Hypnotherapist (ABH)
Somatic Belief Reprogramming
Positive Parenting- Rewrite your Parenting Blueprint, CAFCASS approved
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science 
Psychology A Level
ITEC Level 3 Aromatherapy and Reflexology
Functional Reflex Therapist
Cytoplan Practitioner